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Restorative Dentistry


Our Features

We offer an extensive range of restorative treatments, including fillings, crowns, inlays and onlays.


Composite Filling

Composite / tooth-colored fillings are a frequently performed procedure to treat tooth decay. The bacteria accumulated in plaque attack tooth enamel and degrade the minerals, resulting in the formation of small craters. Fillings seal the gap against further bacterial attacks. In the absence of a filling, food particles will continue to get trapped in the space, leading to infection of the tooth.


Dental Sealants 

Sealants are used to encase children’s rear teeth with resin-based material that can reduce the risk of cavities by almost 80%. Sealants help smoothen the biting surfaces of the back teeth to prevent food particles from being trapped making them less prone to cavity formation. This procedure does not involve the grinding of tooth or numbing.



They are used when more than half of a tooth’s biting surface is damaged. Inlay/Onlay are made in a dental laboratory and require two visits before being placed. They are bonded to the surface of damaged teeth and matched to the color of the surrounding teeth. Inlays and onlays can actually boost the strength of a tooth by up to 75 percent. This can result in a natural, healthy tooth that can last upwards of 10 to 30 years.


Crowns and Bridges

These are custom-fitted tooth prosthetics that are used to replace or restore the strength, shape, and functionality of damaged or missing teeth. A crown completely encases the tooth’s visible surface from the gum line down specially when a tooth is too badly damaged for a dental filling. Bridges are used to fill in the gaps left by missing teeth and are anchored in place by the adjacent teeth using crowns.

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